Payment Methods

Welcome to Custom4U! We provide easy and safe payments:

  •  PayPal: If you have a PayPal account, this is the fastest way to check out. Just pay directly by logging into your PayPal account. You don't even need to enter address information and log in to our website, you can use PayPal to place orders quickly and safely. But please make sure your PayPal delivery address is accurate because the order will be delivered according to your PayPal account information.
  • Shop Pay
  • Google Pay


How to make a PAYMENT?

Step 1: Click the "BUY IT NOW" button

Step 2:

  • You can choose the Express Checkout: shop pay/PayPal/Google Pay 
  • If you do not have a PayPal/Shop Pay/Google Pay account, enter your contact information, and shipping address then click the "Continue to shipping" button before you enter your credit card data to complete the checkout.

 Step 3: Choose the Shipping method then click the "Continue to payment" button.

Step 4:

 In the payment section, make sure to select the credit card button, enter your credit card data, select the Billing address, and click the “Pay now” button. you will complete your payment.


Payment Security

We take security very seriously, so your personal information will be protected. We abide by the industry standard encryption protocol known as Secure Socket layer (SSL) and other reasonable measures to protect your information from unauthorized use or disclosure. All confidential data like payment information are encrypted and transmitted through a secure channel using SSL encryption.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact us at